A multifaceted long term project begun in 2001
First public showing
Museum of Dreams : V1 PoD)
Sydney Festival : Jan 2004
Sydney Opera House Studio Theatre Foyer Jan 8-18 Riverside Theatre Parramatta Jan 20-26
Commisioner : Brett Sheehy
Based on the notion that there could exist a way of recording and storing our dreams, the Brothers Gruchy have developed the concept of a Museum of Dreams.
This installation was the first public showing of the work thus far -
immersing audiences in an environment of surround sound and multiscreen
vision, transporting the viewer into the dreamscapes of others. MoD
asks the audience to contemplate the peculiarities and commonalities
of dream consciousness.
Audiences are also invited to contribute to the ongoing development
of the MoD by video recording their own dreams in the booth. From this
cache of dreams, material will be integrated into the future large scale
performative version of the piece.
The installation was in the foyer of the Studio Theatre at Sydney Opera House Jan 8-18 and Riverside Theatre Parramatta Jan 20-26, allowing audiences multiple opportunities to experience this unique work and contribute to the development of the extended project.
Multimedia artists Tim and Mic Gruchy have worked with director Patrick
Nolan and musician Tony Kastanos to realise this imaginative and compelling